Montague Gardens/Montague Place, Worthing

Montague Place is your space - and we want to create a vibrant, green space for everyone to enjoy.

At Montague Place, in the heart of Worthing town centre, we've a chance to create something for the whole community to enjoy.

Worthing Borough Council is planning to transform Montague Place into a green and welcoming community space. We want to create a safe, green and welcoming town centre for our local communities and visitors to enjoy all year round.

In partnership with West Sussex County Council via the Growth Deal, we have been working with stakeholders including residents, access groups, businesses and community groups, to shape the designs, and create a vibrant, accessible space for everyone to enjoy. We then held a public consultation on the initial concept design which ran for four weeks - from 7th June to 5th July 2023. This consultation had 112 responses and the results are shown in this chart:

Montague Place, Worthing, chart showing feedback from consultation (7th June to 5th July 2023)

There were numerous positive comments for the proposal to green the area especially in terms of increased biodiversity as well as for shade and shelter from the wind. Ideas for sustainability were also supported and ideas include urban orchards, sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and the collection of grey water. A number of people wanted to ensure that there was provision to maintain the green space in the future. There were also many responses in favour of a better connection to the seafront.

What will it look like?

This concept design brings together a range of aspirations heard from our conversations so far, including sustainability, accessibility, shelter from the sun and wind, and better access to the seafront, amongst others.

With this in mind we present a design inspired by seaside gardens, reflecting the gardens that existed when Montague Place was first built in the early 19th Century. The emphasis is on increasing biodiversity with a green space linking the seafront to Liverpool Gardens in the north. Thought is also given to improving the large expanse of wall in the north eastern corner of the space.

Image: Montague Place - perspective view of the proposal

Montague Place - perspective view of the proposal

Image: Montague Place - plan view of the proposal

Montague Place - plan view of the proposal

Image: Montague Place - Artist recording the World Café responses during the event - word cloud showing what is in the surrounding area (click the image below for a larger copy that you can zoom into)

Montague Place - word cloud showing what is in the surrounding area (click for a larger copy of the image)

Montague Place FAQs - frequently asked questions

What are the plans for Montague Place?

The plan is to enhance the area by introducing more green space and greater biodiversity, attracting wildlife and improving air quality. We also know Montague Place could be a space for community events and shopping, bringing more custom to the local economy, or simply somewhere for you to sit, relax and enjoy Worthing.

How has the Council come up with this design?

The Council began engaging with members of the public last summer through the Big Listen, asking people what they want to see in Worthing. There was a strong desire for more green, sustainable spaces and increased biodiversity. We then engaged with access groups, local businesses and other community groups in a series of walkabouts and a world café event in January 2023.

You can find more information on the result of this engagement and the resulting concept design proposal below:

What can the transformed Montague Place be used for?

The new space will be a welcoming and safe community space linking the seafront with the town centre. There will be seating for people to relax and enjoy Worthing as well as allowing space for outdoor seating at restaurants and cafés, bringing more custom to the local economy. There will also be space for entertainment and community events and informal play.

Who will be building the scheme?

The works will be tendered in accordance with Worthing Borough Council's procurement policy and Council standing orders. Local civil engineering companies will be invited to submit a tender. Following tender evaluation, it is hoped the contract will be awarded in early 2024.

How much will the works cost, and how is it funded?

The works will cost approximately £2.7m and are funded from the Community Infrastructure Levy, which is money collected from new developments within Worthing.

When will the construction start?

It is anticipated that the work on site will start in Spring 2024.

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Page last updated: 15 May 2024

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